One issue with taking the M1A out for a walk last week was case separation. This was the fourth loading of this lot of brass. With only 20 rounds fired from a 100 round lot ... case separations were running HIGH. Not Good Attall! Zero % is the acceptable ratio.
Durn auto-focus, misses brass to focus on mat. |
One of the most tiresome chores of reloading, for me, is the pulling of (bad) loads. I appreciate that I can deconstruct the round and recycle most of the components. That's all good. Investing extra time on the endeavor, not so much.
Positively lo-tech Kinetic Puller works |
My guess is that my rifle is doin' what M1A's are famous for ... beatin' the tar outta brass.
To make sure my reloads are within spec, I check with a gauge.
Stu has nice lil post on how he uses his. Keep in mind, firing reloads of
ANY type voids the warranty with most all rifle manufacturers .
Accuracy and safety are assured with proper case dimensions |
Anyhow ... I'm wishin' Wayward Son was still hangin' around. Pullin' rounds is the perfect chore for a Reloading Apprentice.